My Goalkeeping System

Chapter 158 Like Father And Son

"Since there\'s really nothing more for us to say, how about we play a game of FIFA?" Mateo said, raising the game controller he was holding.

"Or I could just leave," Dave said.

"No, you don\'t."

The winger grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him down before he could fully get up from the bed.

"You\'ve barely been here for an hour." The winger said.

"Yeah, but…."

"But nothing, just sit there, and let\'s enjoy a gaming session."

"Okay," Dave said before letting out a sigh of defeat.

"Good," Mateo said with a smile before handing him the other controller.

The game kicked off and this time Dave chose Barcelona again because that was the only team in the top three best that he liked, while Mateo had gone on to choose Unique FC.

"Hey, I get that you can beat me with Unique FC but can you just go ahead and choose a stronger team, it feels like you\'re mocking me at this point?" Dave complained.

"Are you sure you want that?"

<Yeah, are sure you want him to do that>

\'Of course, I\'m sure.\'

"Yeah." He replied.

"Okay, if you say so," Mateo said before he quickly changed his option and chose Eintracht Frankfurt this time.

"Frankfurt?" The goalkeeper said before turning his gaze to him.

"Yeah, they are a pretty decent team way better than Unique FC." The winger said.

"Okay, just start the game."

"Yes, sir," Mateo said before turning his gaze back to the screen.

The game was set for ten minutes and so far in the seventh minute with the timer in the game with the clock in the game showing sixty-five minutes and still moving and the scoreboard showing six goals to zero.

There was no doubt who the six goals belonged to as Dave was really finding it hard to do anything with the formidable Barcelona squad once again.

<I told you this was a mistake>

\'Keep quiet.\'

"There\'s no doubt anymore! It\'s just about how many!" The commentator screamed as soon as Mateo got his seventh goal in the Seventy-seventh minute.

<If you know you\'re going to still lose badly then don\'t use Barcelona, I feel embarrassed for you>

The game had finally come to an end after about thirteen minutes because of the small pauses.

Dave had a stunned look on his face as he was still finding it hard to believe what he was seeing on the scoreboard.

The scoreboard was displaying Eintracht Frankfurt eleven, Barcelona zero.

"That was refreshing," Mateo said before taking in a deep breath.

"This could never happen in real life." The goalkeeper muttered with his gaze still on the screen.

"Eintracht Frankfurt has managed to beat Barcelona twice in the few times they\'ve met in history but I\'m not sure they would stand a chance against this current Barcelona," Mateo said.

"I\'m talking about the score."

"Oh," Mateo said before turning his gaze to the screen, he kept his gaze there for a while before he slowly turned it back to Dave. "Yeah, that\'s not possible."

<The both of you have no idea of what is possible>

"You know you didn\'t have to go all out on me." The goalkeeper said before turning his gaze to him.

"You were the one that told me not to go on easy on you and besides, I pulled my punches on a lot of occasions, the score could have ended up way worse than that if I hadn\'t done so." He said. "To be honest, you suck at this, no competition at all."

"You don\'t have to state the obvious."

"But that\'s okay, there\'s still room for improvement that is if you want to improve and beat me."

"I don\'t think I have enough time to pour into video games." The goalkeeper said.

<Seriously? What do you do when you\'re lying on the couch?>

\'Lying on the couch.\'

"That\'s okay, not everyone has to be good at it," Mateo said with a shrug.

After spending a little more time with Mateo and refusing to play anymore FIFA with him, the goalkeeper made his way out of the house as it was time for him to start heading back home.

The first thing he did after entering his car was look at his watch to see that the time was 4:34 PM.

\'It\'s getting late, I have to call my dad before the day runs out.\' He said subconsciously before bringing out his phone from his pocket.

He scrolled through his contacts until he found his dad\'s contact.

He stared at the option for a while before he clicked it and the call button.

The phone buzzed for about fifteen seconds before Tom picked up the call.

"Hey, dad." He said as soon as he picked up the call.

"Hey, Dave, how\'re you doing?" Tom asked from the other end.

"I\'m okay, I hope you\'re recovering fine."

"Yeah, I\'ll be back to work sooner than you expected."

"Oh, that\'s good to hear."

There was a little moment of awkward silence between the two before Dave decided to say what he wanted to say.

"I need to talk to you about something."

"I know what you want to talk about, Dave." Tom cut in sharply before he could carry on with what he wanted to say. "I don\'t think we can talk about that on phone, I\'ll be paying a short visit to the stadium tomorrow, why don\'t you come over so that we can sit down and talk things over like father and son?"

"Okay," Dave said before ending the call.

<Well, that turned out better than I expected>

Dave didn\'t reply to her as he still had the phone against his ear with his gaze on nothing in particular.

"Like father and son." He muttered.

While he was still thinking, his phone vibrated and rang loudly in his ear, startling him out of his daze and causing him to almost drop his phone.

After successfully preventing the phone from falling, he turned it over to check the caller only to find out that it was Emilia.

"Emilia." He muttered before picking up the call. "Hey."

"Hey, Dave, the first day of the seminar just got concluded and I\'m making my way out of the building."

"Okay," Dave said.

"Do you mind picking me up, if you\'re not busy?"

"Sorry, I don\'t think I can make it." The goalkeeper said.

"Oh." She said with a sudden drop in her voice. "It\'s okay, I\'ll just find…."

"Ah.., I\'m just messing with you." He said, trying to stop himself from laughing. "You\'re lucky I happen to be in my car now with no important place to go."

"Did you really have to pull that stunt with me?" Emilia said, sounding a bit annoyed.

"I just wanted to get your reaction and it was a sweet one, I\'m heading over there now." He said before ending the call.

After that, he dropped the phone on the other seat and started the engine before zooming off toward the place.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter?

If we can hit 1000+ privilege unlocks before the end of this month, I\'ll do five chapters mass release on any day between the 20-25th of January.

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