Davies got into the backseat of the Ventley Contaverse that he had arrived at the scene with and Daniella got into the driver\'s seat, started the car, and began to drive.

Now that the excitement was over, Davies finally had time to think about a particularly important issue, which was why they had even tried to steal his technology in the first place. 

He didn\'t know who had given the ghost thief the order to try to steal his technology, but why was the first ever attempt to steal his technology done now?

Why wasn\'t it done before now, when he wasn\'t even in Yorkshire?

He had expected to be watched because his resources were being moved as he had always known that there was no way something like that would go unnoticed, but he hadn\'t expected to be robbed.

The whole situation was weird, and he had a feeling that he was missing something... Something very important, but he couldn\'t for the life of him think what it was.

Since he didn\'t know what was giving him a bad feeling, all he could do was to stay cautious and be prepared for whatever situation that could come his way, but he\'d focus on that on another day, for now, he had an occasion... of sorts.

A few days earlier, Fiona had called him to ask how he was doing since the accident... And the shooting, and he had replied to her that he was doing perfectly fine, which of course, was a lie, but she wouldn\'t be finding out, and he had no interest in telling her that he had been poisoned and was almost crippled in an arm, especially since he didn\'t trust her, but he didn\'t trust anyone so we wouldn\'t be getting into that issue today.

Fiona had invited him to a birthday celebration for her father, the current head of the Lecroy family.

At first, Davies had wanted to refuse as he saw no reason to go to a boring party filled with stuck-up people who were smiling on the outside but looked to devour each other whole on the inside.

Davies had always hated hypocrisy and this upcoming \'celebration\' seemed like it was going to be full of it. 

He was about to reject her invitation when it suddenly occurred to him that Lee Jung may be at this celebration, and it was the perfect opportunity to make him lose even more fate points, and also steal his opportunities at the party, as Davies could be absolutely sure that there were always opportunities for the protagonist wherever he went and the party seemed like it could be a hotspot filled with opportunities for the protagonist as it would be filled with rich and powerful people who could help the protagonist in whatever he wanted to do.

That is to say that the party would be filled with future lackeys of the protagonist and maybe even some future harem members. 

It would be a shame if he let Lee Jung have all of that just because he didn\'t want to go to a party filled with hypocritical people, so he would have to suck it up, put on the big boy pants, and go wreck a protagonist.

That was in the past though, as after what Davies had experienced earlier today, he was raring to go after Lee Jung at the slightest opportunity, but before that, he had to go with Fiona to go pick a gift for her father.

It all started when Davies had finally agreed to go to the party and had asked what he should get for her father as a gift, but it turned out that even Fiona hadn\'t thought about what to get her father for his birthday, so she had asked him to go with her to get a gift for her old man.

Davies had no reason to refuse as he didn\'t mind the company of a beautiful woman, not to mention that he had to make sure that she stayed away from Lee Jung and with him instead.

He had not had the time to deal with making her have the hots for him, so he wouldn\'t reject the opportunity that had appeared on a platter of gold, so he had accepted, and they had set a date and time for their meeting, which happened to be today and just an hour from the present time.

Right now, Daniella was taking him to where they had agreed to meet. Davies took a slight look at his clothes and nodded to himself as they had not been roughed up even though he had been in a battle earlier.

Normally, it was easy for Davies to fight using mana and not even cause the slightest crease to appear on his clothes, but his opponents usually did not agree with his style of keeping himself presentable even during fights which were why his clothes usually ended up in a mess after a fight, but this time he had an opponent that was only avoiding his attacks the whole time so it was easy for him to stay clean and presentable during the battle.

At least, now he didn\'t have to change clothes and could go directly to meet with Fiona, which he was doing right now.

After almost thirty minutes of driving, they arrived in front of an elegantly glamorous building that screamed luxury no matter what angle one looked at it from.

The building which was called \'Diamonds In The Rough\', was the venue for Davies and Fiona\'s meeting. It was a place where rare-grade power stones could be found and bought.

During the Great Cataclysm decades ago, many of the things that were normally present in the world changed because of the presence of mana.

One of them was the appearance of power stones.

Power stones are stones that somehow have mana present within them in a sizeable amount. There are grades of power stones depending on the amount of mana present within them.

The grades of power stones are low grade, medium grade, high grade, rare grade, top grade, and starlight grade, in ascending order.

Low-grade power stones were of course the lowest grade and were the most commonly found while starlight-grade power stones were so rare that hardly anyone had seen them.

Once upon a time, the only use of power stones for humans, was for them to be absorbed by Megas to try to increase their total mana capacity so they can be promoted to the next stage of power, but ever since the kid genius, Davies Lake discovered the way to use the power stones as a source of energy to power all sorts of things, the demand and worth of power stones had grown tremendously.

Among the power stones were the rare grade power stones which had an additional use apart from being used as a source of power for both humans and machines. 

Rare-grade power stones, apart from having a high amount of mana present in them, also had a very high aesthetic value as they were quite a sight to behold, while some of them even had a specific type of mana in them, making their value rise even higher.

Their values rose to the point that the rarest of the rare-grade power stones managed to reach the price of a top-grade power stone, which was a whole grade higher than the rare-grade mana stone because of the higher amount of mana it possessed. 

Coincidentally Fiona\'s father had a particular liking for things with high aesthetic value, so Fiona had thought to get him an especially beautiful, rare grade power stone, and \'Diamonds In The Rough\' was well known for selling beautiful, rare grade power stones, hence why they were meeting here.

Apart from the selling of rare-grade power stones, the diamond in the rough was also well known for its stone gambling. 

Since power stones were found inside of stones, stones with a possibility of having power stones were gathered and sold to people who wanted to try their luck at getting more than their money\'s worth in power stones.

Weirdly enough the mana from inside power stones could not be sensed unless it was exposed to air and even blessing users(Megas) weren\'t able to see into or sense power stones without it being exposed, thus making the stone gambling cheat-proof, and preventing the \'Diamonds In The Rough\' organization from losing money to cheaters.

With such a weird characteristic, stone gambling was just like its name sounded, plain gambling on stones, and this was what had ensnared the wealthy.

Since it all depended on luck, they could brag about having more luck than their wealthy opponents.

Davies didn\'t understand this particular mentality of rich people, and he didn\'t care to understand, after all, he wasn\'t here to bet on stones, but to buy a beautiful, rare-grade power stone.

The idiotic act of gambling on stones can be left to people who had too much money to waste away.

Finally, after waiting in the car for twenty minutes, a red Cerrari could be seen driving into the parking lot of the building.

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